Thursday, March 18, 2010

少年梦九校联欢会, 终于结束了。

compared to last year's 宇言, this year's gathering. I had put more effort into.
and... the mixture feelings... sigh.. happy!! encore!! come back to me!!
时间真的过得太快了。。。。 慢下来好吗?? 顶!
筹备的每一刻。。。Mamak,大伙儿在丰家忙做小册子,炸来炸去,跳了又挑,挑了又在跳。。。 跳舞真的不容易咯。。。唱歌好点, 哈哈!看到那么多ss的这样付出,真的后悔去年的我,一直以来,我都不认真做ss的活动,真他妈的我。对不起,我的兄弟姐妹们!! 真的对对不起!看了丰,煌,小瑚的不落格。。。。。。 没想到会哭,可能是一直在想着那“最后一次”,我不要啦!!! 很想做下去,可是,读书的读书,工作的工作,我想像不到如果丰被分去很远的地方就读。。。到时要做打更多油了。 哈哈!惨,又想到“最后一次”了。。。

接待!没想到我会是最早到的那位!多谢我的组员咯,各各迟到,有的甚至不会到,没管希啦,我不怪你们,因为我也常常迟到!哈哈!! 接了puchong, vivi 的,时间已经超过接待的时间了,只剩我一个在那边傻傻地等。。。jinjang selayang 的,真的很像我咯,迟到大王!等到了,带他们去和俊勇和宝成会合,还好有他们,不然我会来不及回到礼堂表演。
开幕,不是很顺畅。。哈哈,也不能怪谁啦。之后,一直想尽办法开声,死都开不了!气!结果,唱走音!丢脸到,希望台风方面有骗到观众。哈哈!hohoho!! 最爽的是-sorrysorry!! high翻天!听到台下喊我的名字时更爽!哈哈!人生第一次,不会跳舞的我这样卖力地跳!!希望我的舞蹈没丢我兄弟姐妹们的脸,paiseh。第一次嘛,又给了你们。第一次对着电脑掉泪。。。 又是你们。真是,前世欠下的啊!哈哈!

幕后的SS 及工作人员。。i saw many of you did very well that day!! proud of u guys! thank you!!! without you guys.. the event wont be so successful! i heard comments saying that our gathering was like a CONCERT!! haha!!! =)

lastly, sorry for not continuing typing chinese, something wrong with the settings... paiseh.. and chinese really hard to type lor...long time to finish this. have to check dictionary some more!! omg... btw, i find it really nice typing in chinese. haha. especially when i want to express my feelings... will learn and type more in chinese. haha

what's next? boss? TanEngHong, the first ever and the only person i addressed him as "boss". i know that, u are currently having many difficulty moments right now.. family.. clu.. and studies.. sigh.. i also don know how to help u.. but one thing that i am 100% sure is, me and the rest of ss family... will always be thr for the next coming and the rest coming events!! whenever u say ok!!!

tunwong, thank you for coaching me dancing. I knew i am quite a dumb dancer. haha. sorry a brother... that day.. the boys are really yeng!! haha. i kept watching the sorry sorry videos!

kai ma, thank you for ur advices... u always so steady and calm one.. haha. u did great in gee. don be sad lar, that fella who say u fat should get a slap from me. haha. ok?

4 flowers, donald duck - sorry, i did showed my anger to u during the opening dance training.
moon - really nice experience. haha. next time sing again! u are a better singer than me!
kokchin - i always heard that u are a very responsible person. this time, i really saw it. u did really great in stage progress! omg.. amazing.. bravo captain!
actually - that day u look very yeng! and thank you for ur support, u are always so supportive one. haha.

MBS-KIA, kenqian - sorry a. i forgot to help u do hair!!! shit lor.. sorry sorry. why din remind me?!!
lichen and seemeng - really sorry, i kept making u guys have to redo and redo the dance steps coz i made alot of mistakes.. sorry guys..
wangji - thank you for ur camera... i know u quite angry alr de that time i kept asking u to take picture of 3jianke.. haha.. sorry yea.. u did well in taking photos!! thank you!
hanchong - why sick one.. deng lor... no fun jor.. but u still did wad u supposed to do. goodjob!! luckily u still can support tunwong to do that 45 degrees!

wenhui - thanks alot for ur help... u are kokchin no.2!!! really crazy de.. so responsible!! haha

ahpeng - thank you for fetching me to lrt!! haha. save me some energy. but no claim de a.

meiyee - ur food department really organized lor. compared to last year. haha. i din settle properly. but this year not enuff straw leh... haha

xiuchong & lingquan - haha. great mc leh!!! u two should give each other "ai de bao bao"!!

ailing - luckily u din come backstage fight with me. haha. if not i will not have enuff energy to perform dy.

thank you wenxin, kexin, caini, wanhuey, hsen ming!